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A few days in Charentes Maritimes in three words:

Eat, Pray, Love

Discovering a city is not always easy, especially when you are not adventurous, but you let yourself be carried away like the wind.

D-Day, between girls, it's 3am, why get up so early, when there are still a few hours left? However, let's double-check everything... her toiletry bag, her little outfits, the suitcases weigh more than us, no stress!

We arrive before the station even opens to make sure we don't miss the train. Departure scheduled for 7:27, excited, headphones on, we hum, we glance to see if we're disturbing the neighbor and then suddenly, we look up at the notice board:

The 7:27 deleted ...

Help, don't panic!

Next train, here we are, but packed in like sardines. Let's go!

Arrived safely! Tired but happy to be there, the discovery can begin and multiply unforgettable moments to bring back little souvenirs.

Still in La Rochelle, I couldn't help but go into this unusual store which has been around since 1999.

These bags are made with materials that are resistant to wind, tide and sun, and are manufactured locally. The concept is simple: CASIER and BULLE collections, made from materials used to store oysters, revisited, modern, there is something for everyone.

Thanks to this charming shop for their welcome.

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The island of Ré

To learn happiness, you must learn beauty...

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